I thought there was nothing cuter than a bunny.
And then I began fostering kittens.
Easy kittens. Litters where momma is present and she does all the work. (most of the time.)
Seriously, fostering kittens is one of the most selfless and rewarding things I've done in my life. At the same time it's incredibly self-ish. They're just so darn cute!!!!!!! After having 4 litters so far this summer, I feel that I understand "kitten development" in a way I haven't before.
Yes, some days you can roll that ball with a bell right past them and they literally DO NOT SEE IT. They're just not there yet. And one day they do. Maybe just a slight pause, as something registers and their little minds ask "what was that?" Not yet ready to look at it, or pursue it, but acknowledgement.
Then one day the ball reaches toy status. And play begins.
Look for a foster kitten gallery soon.